Thursday, May 10, 2012


Alright, these are, obviously, all photos of some roses. They were done for a project of mine in which I had to illustrate a story using pictures. For exclusivity reasons pertaining to a contest, I can't actually post the piece here, but rest assured, it was pretty boring.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

New photos

This is all some new photography from me. Some of it is from a 'green' photo shoot that I did, while the rest is just miscellaneous silly stuff.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Some new photography

The are some random pictures that I've edited in the past few days. Photoshop is pretty great. 


As you can see, these are all phtos of my right hand. We were told to do portraits of specific body parts, then to edit them and such. At the top is my original photo, in the middle is my photoshopped version, and the last one is the one I edited on Picnik.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Poem thing, I guess

It is an old color,
Sad and sorrowful, but with a lingering sense of hope.
It is the color of an old brick building, abandoned years ago, standing tall,
Or the old, dusty dress still hanging in the closet, alone and forgotten for years.

But it is also the color of a rose, fresh from the garden, its petals soft and young, awaiting the bright new day.

No matter what my poems are, they always come out looking ridiculously angsty. Honestly, I don't care for poetry at all - it's all a bit pretentious, isn't it? I far prefer prose and stories, really. Oh well, though - at least that's over, and I can move on to other things.


These were my 'red' photos for the assignment - we were told to do a photoshoot themed around one color. It was just in the school, so there wasn't all too much to choose from, but I think these turned out decently. Later on, I'll be posting a silly poem about red, because we had to do that, too.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Shameless Self-Advertisement

This may be a school blog, but this is an extremely important matter. If, for some odd reason, you're reading this blog, you should head on over to this petition and sign it. It only takes ten or so seconds (seriously, I signed that thing in seven seconds flat), and it's really very important. Can't you take ten seconds out of your day to make a difference?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

I just found out that our class has a very small amount of cameras.

However, this means that I get to share a camera with my friends.

(If you can't tell, I just found my GIF folder, and my resolution this year was to use all of my GIFs)
In any case, I've a few goals for the class, though none of them are major. As far as photography, my main goal is to get better with basic composition and story-telling. I'm a beginning photographer, so I don't really know all too much about it. However, as we go, I'm hoping that I can get better at making interesting and beautiful photographs.
For a writing goal, I'm hoping to start writing shorter stories. I have a tendency to stretch stories out, writing them for pages and pages, and I think that it would be helpful if I could master the art of the short story.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The hell, blogspot?

NautilusPompilius was taken. Who the hell uses that as a name?
Me, that's who. Christ, I feel like Cave Johnson.